Watering properly when dry – four tips

Correct watering is especially important in dry conditions

Water properly – plant care when dry

And according to weather experts, the hot days are not over yet – temperatures of around 30 degrees are expected in the near future. The few rain showers are usually not sufficient for the thirsty plants. In order to provide the plants with enough water and thus prevent them from drying out, the most important thing is proper irrigation.

Do not pour from above

The best times to water your plants are morning or evening. In addition, the water should be given directly to the roots of the plant. If water is poured on the plant from above, the summer weather can cause violent burns due to the drops of water on the leaves. So with wrong watering, you damage the plant more than you help it. However, if you give the water directly to the soil of the plant in the early morning or evening, it can seep into the soil and immediately supply the plant with water without immediately evaporating or causing burns.

Penetrating irrigation

When watering, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is not only superficially irrigated. Because the roots of the plants are oriented to where they find water. So if you only moisten the surface of the earth, the plant will not root deep into the ground, but will orient itself upwards. If a dry period occurs – or you forget to water it – the plant dries up much faster. A plant that is deeply rooted in the ground, on the other hand, can supply itself with water from the ground in the next drought in an emergency.

Water plants in tubs properly

Plants that are in the tub must also be watered well. Since they cannot draw water from the ground, you have to make sure to water them regularly. The finger test is helpful here : if the soil is moist, the plant does not need any water. On the other hand, if it feels dry, you should water again. If the pot is relatively small, it is usually necessary to use the watering can more often than with a larger bucket. Excess water should not remain in the planter “for emergencies”, but should be thrown away so that the roots do not stand in the water and start to mold.

Note : With wilted looking plants you often want to intuitively reach for a watering can. But sometimes the withered plant only needs a little more time to recover. Through further watering, it can then happen that the plant is “watered”. Therefore always do the finger test!

Conclusion: how do I water properly?

  1. Water in the morning or in the evening (finger test beforehand)
  2. Give the water directly to the roots
  3. Water thoroughly
  4. Remove excess water from the planter

If you follow these four tips, your plants should also do better in drier times!


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Watering properly when dry – four tips


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