AvoRado Kid Super Green Shake

AvoRado Kid Super Green Shake*. Serves 1-2.

This is by far our favorite cool green shake, and we’ve enjoyed it for breakfast,
lunch and dinner, or anytime we want a snack. It’s a great way to get the concentrated
nutrition and chlorophyll of green powder and soy sprouts powder (and an especially great
way to get it into your kids). The cucumber and lime cool the body, and the essential fats in
God’s great butter, avocado, and the soy sprouts make this shake one that you can burn
on for many hours.

1 avocado
½ English cucumber
1 tomatillo
1 lime (peeled)
2 cups fresh spinach
2 scoops soy sprouts powder
1 scoop of green powder
1 pkg. stevia
6-8 ice cubes

Blend in a blender on high speed to a thick, smooth consistency. Serve immediately.


*Add 1 tsp. of almond butter for a nuttier flavor.
*Add coconut milk or fresh silky almond milk for a creamier shake.
*Make a parfait by layering the shake with layers of dehydrated unsweetened coconut and
sprinkle some of the coconut on top.
*Substitute a grapefruit or lemon for the lime for a different taste.
*Add 1 TB fresh grated ginger
*Add some seasonings that are bottled in oil (without alcohol) for a new exciting
twist of flavor.
In the summer, freeze AvoRado Kid into pops for a cool frozen treat. You can also
completely freeze and then partially thaw small portions of the shake, then chop it up to
enjoy as a slush.