How to Use a Foundation Primer

Most cosmetic companies that make foundation also have a compatible foundation primer.  Is this added step a must have?  Have I been wearing foundation “wrong” for all those years.  And what do we do with it once we’ve decided to give it a go?

Although it’s not a pretty comparison, you can think of foundation primer much like you’d think of paint primer – using it prepares the canvas (whether that be your face, a wall, or an actual piece of canvas) for what is to follow.

In the case of foundation primer, it also acts as a barrier between your foundation and skin, filling in lines and wrinkles to create a smooth canvas of your face.  (This also means that you may use less product.)  As the primer coats your skins, it can help reduce excess oil and minimize the look of enlarged pores.  This all helps you foundation go on smoother and last longer, reducing the need for touch-ups during the day.

Now, is a foundation primer an absolute must?  Of course not!  There aren’t very many products that I’d put in the MUST category!

But if you have less than a perfect relationship with your foundation, this simple product may make all the difference in the world!  I know that I’m going to give it a try.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Make sure your skin has been thoroughly cleansed
  • Moisturize and let it absorb into your skin a bit
  • Apply a small amount of primer to your fingertips (many bottles have a pre-measured pump dispenser, otherwise you may need to experiment to determine the right amount for your skin)
  • Spend a little extra time smooth over the areas of your skin that may be particularly rough or heavily lined (this is where experimenting with the right amount of product will be helpful)
  • Primer can be used around the eye area, but make sure not to get it in your eye
  • If you have an uneven skin tone or other skin discoloration, you may want to consider a color-correcting primer
  • Apply concealer, if desired
  • Apply foundation, and blend well

That’s it – pretty simple!