Baby Shower Games that are fun for everyone!

Being that this is the 3rd shower I’ve thrown in a year,
I was running out of fresh ideas in the shower game department.
So, I did what anyone would do — I scoured Pinterest.
And then hit the jackpot.


What you’ll need:
Assorted Onesies
Fabric Paint
Fabric Markers
Paint Brushes
Cardboard or poster board cut to fit inside the onesies
Clothes pins
Clothes line or strong ribbon

Wash the onesies ahead of time and iron them if needed

Choose your onesie and stencil
Put the cardboard into the onesie to keep paint from leaking through
Use sponge or brush to paint inside the stencil
(or free hand something if you’re feeling gutsy!)
Hang with clothes pin on a line (with cardboard intact) and allow to completely dry.
Wash after 72 hours.

And hey, it was so fun, even the guys wanted to join in when the party was over!
(Of course Wade made a pharmacy onesie because he’s a pharmacist and my sister, mom-to-be, was a pharm tech for years)

cute, right? I love how simple it is 🙂

 Baby Face

Y’all. This game is Hilarious! I’m not even kidding. Seriously funny. I got the inspiration here and just knew it would be a game no one expected!
What you’ll need:
Forward facing portraits of both mommy-to-be and daddy-to-be
Assorted baby photos, face forward. I found mine on google.
I also made them all black & white so that they would match better.

Cut the photos into the following sections:
Hair/Hat (cut right above eyebrows)
Eyes (cut below the eyes)
Nose (cut below the nose)
Mouth (cut below the mouth)
Body — what’s left.

Put the baby pieces into piles.
Pre-arrange the cut up photos of mommy and daddy on one side of the table.
Instruct game-players to create a baby face using at least one piece from both mommy and daddy, getting the rest from the baby pieces.
Have guests write their names on a scrap piece of paper & place it under their masterpiece.
Leave a camera on the table for guests to snap a photo of their Baby Face and then put the pieces back.

After everyone has finished, we put the sd card into the tv (or a computer) so everyone could see the crazy creations blown up. Then, mommy-to-be picks a winner!


There is just something wrong about a baby with a mouth full of smiling teeth.
Just wrong.
To make up for the creepiness you just witnessed, I’m offering you free instructions printables for each game below!  Enjoy!

Free Printables Here & Here.

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