The Allie Dress Patch Pocket Tutorial

I am thrilled to see that the Allie Dress FREE Sewing Pattern has been welcomed enthusiastically by so many.

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Start by cutting out two of each pattern piece.

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Fold and press the contrasting strip in half, lengthways, wrong sides together.

Line up the raw edges with the top of the pocket.

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Fold and press the top pocket strip in half, lengthways, wrong sides together.

Fold in the raw edges and press.

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Encase the raw edges of the contrasting strip and the main pocket inside the folded top pocket strip.

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Top stitch close to the edge of the top pocket strip.

Now all your have to do is fold in the raw edges around the sides of the pocket and top stitch onto your garment.

How simple but the contrast is really effective!

Dont forget to share you pictures or links to your Allie Dresses I hope to see some patch pockets on them too.

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